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How to Speak, Connect and Succeed by Aletta Rochat
Have you ever been in a group discussion where someone else shared the same idea or opinion you had? You somehow feel connected to that person, but at the same time, you think you can kick yourself for...
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How to speak with purpose and intention.
In this blog, I will summarize Chapter 3 of the book by Alletta Rochat, called Speak Connect Succeed. Chapter 3 is called “what is my purpose? The power of intention”. What does it mean, and...
Why do you need a message when you connect, and what is your message?
In this blog, I will provide a summary of Chapter 4 of Aletta Rochat’s book, Speak, Connect and Succeed. You need a message to deliver on your purpose and intention. A message will help you focus...
How do you speak to inspire, what happens when you do?
Why would someone ever need to speak to inspire? What is inspiring speech? The following blog is a summary of Chapter 5 of the book by Aletta Rochat, called “Speak, Connect and Succeed” Most...